Problem-solution ideas | Task 38


Сборник типовых экзаменационных вариантов под ред. М.В. Вербицкой

Writing 38 | problem-solution ideas

Вариант 1


-outline a problem that can arise with moving to a small town and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with moving to a small town is feeling isolated and lonely.

Solution ideas

  • An effective solution to solve the problem is to join a local gym, take fitness classes, or participate in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping to meet like-minded people.
  • Attending local events such as festivals, concerts, or fairs to meet new people can be a good way to solve the problem.
  • Joining local clubs or organisations, like sports teams or hobby groups, can be a helpful way to solve the problem by making new friends and building social connections.
  • An effective solution is to get involved in community events or volunteer for projects.
  • Building relationships with neighbours can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Connecting with people through social media and online forums related to your hobbies and interests could be a good way to deal with loneliness.
  • A good solution to overcome loneliness is to take part in recreational activities offered by the town, such as sports teams or arts classes.


Problem 2

The problem of limited job and activity opportunities can arise when moving to a small town.


  • To solve this problem, people can explore online jobs opportunities or volunteer work.



-outline a problem that can arise with selecting a film to watch and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is difficulty in deciding on a movie that a person would enjoy.


  • A good way to solve this problem is to use a movie recommendation website or app that suggests films based on one’s personal preferences and viewing history.
Вариант 1


— outline a problem that can arise with moving to a small town and suggest a way of solving it;

When discussing problems that can arise with moving to small towns, the focus is primarily on the challenges associated with the act of relocating, like adapting to a new place, finding the right housing, and adjusting to a different way of life.

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with moving to a small town is feeling isolated and lonely.

Solution ideas

  • An effective solution to this problem is to join a local gym, take fitness classes, or participate in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping to meet like-minded people.
  • Attending local events such as festivals, concerts, or fairs to meet new people can be a good way to solve the problem.
  • Joining local clubs or organisations, like sports teams or hobby groups, can be a helpful way to solve the problem by making new friends and building social connections.
  • An effective solution is to get involved in community events or volunteer for projects.
  • Building relationships with neighbours can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Connecting with people through social media and online forums related to your hobbies and interests could be a good way to deal with loneliness.
  • A good solution to overcome loneliness is to take part in recreational activities offered by the town, such as sports teams or arts classes.

Problem 2

The problem of limited job and activity opportunities can arise when moving to a small town.


  • To solve this problem, people can explore online jobs opportunities or volunteer work.


Problem 3

Finding the right housing can be a problem that can arise with moving to a small town.


  • To solve the problem, I suggest that people browse online real estate listings on websites to find properties in the area.
  • Joining local social media groups or online forums where community members discuss housing and share listings could provide a valuable solution to the problem.



— outline a problem that can arise with selecting a film to watch and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is difficulty in deciding on a movie that a person would enjoy.


  • A good way to solve this problem is to use a movie recommendation website or app that suggests films based on one’s personal preferences and viewing history.
Вариант 2


— outline a problem that can arise with choosing a present and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with choosing a present is not knowing the person’s preferences or interests.

Solution ideas

  • A helpful solution is to seek advice from the person’s close friends or family members. They might provide useful information about the person’s interests and preferences.
  • Checking their social media profiles to find hints about what they might like could be a good solution to solve the problem.
  • A good solution is to directly ask the person what they would like as a gift.
  • A gift card for a specific store or activity can be a good option, giving the person the flexibility to choose their own gift.

Problem 2

Running out of time to buy a present is a common problem that can arise with choosing a present.


  • A digital gift or a gift card can be a fast and convenient solution.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise with choosing a present is not having enough money to buy a present.

Solution ideas

  • One solution to this problem is to make a homemade gift.
  • A good solution is to pool resources with others to buy a more expensive present.

Problem 4

One problem that can arise with choosing a present is not being able to find a present that is appropriate for the occasion.

Solution ideas

  • A good solution to this problem is to ask for advice from friends or family members who have experience in choosing gifts for similar events.
  • Opting for a gift card or a digital gift will be a good solution.



— outline a problem that can arise with communication through technical devices and suggest a way of solving it;


Communication through technical devices can lead to misunderstandings because important nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, cannot be seen. This can make it harder to accurately understand someone’s intended meaning, leading to misinterpretation and confusion

Solution ideas

  • To overcome this problem, it is important that people clearly express their message and ask for clarification if something is unclear.
  • To ensure that people understand each other correctly, a good solution is to either make a video call or arrange an in-person meeting. This way, individuals can convey their message more effectively and avoid potential misunderstandings caused by digital communication.
Вариант 3


— outline a problem that can arise with people going into space and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that people going into space might face is the feeling of claustrophobic confinement.

Solution ideas

  • One workable solution is to maximise space efficiently in a spacecraft cabin. This can be achieved by using clever furniture that folds away, installing multiple levels for different activities, and even incorporating virtual reality experiences that create the illusion of larger spaces to help space tourists or astronauts feel less confined.
  • Creating special areas («tranquil zones») in a spacecraft cabin to provide relaxation and individual time could be a workable solution to this problem.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with people going into space is the high cost of space travel.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem could be collaboration between governments and private companies to share resources and make space travel affordable.
  • A good solution could be for more people to participate in space-related jobs and careers to increase the funding available for space exploration.


— outline a problem that can arise if young people do not do sports and suggest a way of solving it;


A serious problem that can arise if young people do not do sports is that they may become unhealthy.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, it is important to encourage and inspire young people to participate in sports and physical activities. This can be achieved by offering them a range of opportunities to try different sports and physical activities.
  • Informing young people about the benefits of exercise and good health can help motivate them to be more active.
  • A good solution to the problem is to create a supportive community where fitness is encouraged and valued.
Вариант 4


— outline a problem that can arise with shopping for clothes and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with shopping for clothes is not knowing what styles or trends are currently popular.

Solution ideas

  • One solution to staying informed about current styles and trends when shopping for clothes is to check fashion information on websites or blogs.
  • A good solution to the problem is to attend fashion events.
  • One solution to the problem is to try out new styles in a safe and low-pressure environment, such as at home or with friends, to determine personal taste and preferences.
  • A good solution to this problem is to follow fashion influencers on social media to stay up-to-date with current trends.

Problem 2

Being on a tight budget is one of the problems that can arise with shopping for clothes.

Solution ideas

  • Shopping at second-hand stores or searching for sales and discounts on clothing websites can help to reduce the cost of shopping for clothes.
  • Setting a budget for clothing purchases and sticking to it can be a good solution to help control spending when shopping for clothes.
  • Considering investing in quality, timeless pieces rather than following the latest fashion trends can be a cost-effective solution.

Problem 3

Difficulty in finding clothes that match one’s personal style is one problem that can arise with shopping for clothes.


  • A good solution to the problem is to find brands that fit one’s personal style or look for unique or vintage clothing items.



— outline a problem that can arise with developing new skills and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with developing new skills is feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start.

Solution ideas

  • A good way to solve the problem is to make smaller steps and set goals for each step.
  • Taking a class can be helpful to deal with the problem.
  • Making time every day or week to practise can help people make progress and finally solve the problem.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with developing new skills is a lack of motivation.

Solution ideas

  • Breaking down the skill into smaller, manageable parts and rewarding oneself for progress made can help increase motivation and make the learning process more enjoyable.
  • One effective solution is to set specific, achievable goals and create a plan to reach them.
  • Joining a community of individuals who share similar interests and are also working to improve their skills in that area can be beneficial. Being part of a group can provide motivation, accountability, and support.
Вариант 5


— outline a problem that can arise with ways of spending free time and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with ways of spending free time is boredom and feeling unfulfilled.

Solution ideas

  • One way to overcome this problem is to explore new hobbies or interests and participate in groups that share those interests.
  • Spending quality time with friends and family can be a good solution to feeling unfulfilled, by doing fun activities together.
  • Having a plan for leisure time can help make it more enjoyable and meaningful.

Problem 2

A lack of ideas is one of the problems that can arise with ways of spending free time.

Solution ideas

  • Exploring your city or town and looking for new places and events can provide fresh and exciting opportunities for leisure activities.
  • Reading books, watching movies or attending cultural events can help people broaden their horizons and provide new ideas for activities.

Problem 3

Limited resources can be one of the problems that can arise with ways of spending free time. Some people may not have access to certain resources or activities due to financial constraints or location.


  • One solution to this problem is to look for free or low-cost options, such as parks, libraries, or community events.



— outline a problem that can arise with using social networks and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

Сyberbullying is one of the problems that can arise with using social networks.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, it is important to know how to properly use social networks and understand how to protect oneself from cyberbullying, such as by blocking or reporting bullies, and by not responding to hateful messages.
  • To solve this problem, it is important to talk to a trusted adult if one is experiencing cyberbullying.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with using social networks is addiction or overuse.

Overuse of social networks can lead to addiction, which can lead to neglecting other important activities, like work, school, or spending time with friends and family. Additionally, overuse of social networks can lead to social isolation, anxiety, and depression, among other negative consequences.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to set a daily time limit for using social networks and stick to it.
  • One of the possible solutions to the problem might be to plan other activities during the day, like exercise, reading or spending time with friends and family so that people have less time to spend on social networks.
  • A good way to solve this problem is to be mindful of the time spent on social media and set reminders to take a break every hour.
  • A good way to solve this problem is to limit the amount of time spent on social media and to find other activities to enjoy.
  • An effective solution to the problem of spending too much time on social networks is to disconnect completely for a few hours each day, for example, before bedtime or during meals.
Вариант 1


-outline a problem that can arise with moving to a small town and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with moving to a small town is feeling isolated and lonely.

Solution ideas

  • An effective solution to solve the problem is to join a local gym, take fitness classes, or participate in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping to meet like-minded people.
  • Attending local events such as festivals, concerts, or fairs to meet new people can be a good way to solve the problem.
  • Joining local clubs or organisations, like sports teams or hobby groups, can be a helpful way to solve the problem by making new friends and building social connections.
  • An effective solution is to get involved in community events or volunteer for projects.
  • Building relationships with neighbours can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Connecting with people through social media and online forums related to your hobbies and interests could be a good way to deal with loneliness.
  • A good solution to overcome loneliness is to take part in recreational activities offered by the town, such as sports teams or arts classes.


Problem 2

The problem of limited job and activity opportunities can arise when moving to a small town.


  • To solve this problem, people can explore online jobs opportunities or volunteer work.



-outline a problem that can arise with selecting a film to watch and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is difficulty in deciding on a movie that you would enjoy.


  • A good way to solve this problem is to use a movie recommendation website or app that suggests films based on one’s personal preferences and viewing history.
Вариант 6


— outline a problem that can arise with ways of getting information and suggest a way of solving it;


One common problem with gathering information is having too much of it, making it difficult to determine what information is relevant, reliable and important. This can lead to confusion and stress.


  • A good solution is to make sure the information a person wants to find comes from a reliable and trustworthy source, such as a reputable website, academic journal, or expert in the field.



— outline a problem that can arise with choosing jobs and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

Choosing a job can be a difficult decision and one problem that can arise is feeling overwhelmed by the options available.

Solution ideas

  • A good way to solve this problem is to make a list of what is important to a person in a job, such as salary, location, and type of work. Then, research and compare the available jobs that match their criteria.
  • A helpful solution is to speak with people who work in the field you are interested in, or to reach out to a career counselor for guidance.
  • Taking a career assessment test can give people more insight into what type of job would be a good fit for their skills and interests. This is how the problem can be tackled.


Problem 2

One problem that can arise when choosing a job is not having enough information about the different career options available.

Solution ideas

  • A good solution is to attend career fairs and informational interviews, where people can speak with professionals in the field and gain first-hand knowledge about the work they do.
  • Researching online, reading job descriptions, and learning about the education and skills required for different careers will be a good solution.
Вариант 7


— outline a problem that can arise with applying for a job and suggest a way of solving it;


One common problem that can arise when applying for a job is feeling unsure or unqualified for the position.

Solution ideas

  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to look for volunteer opportunities that will give people the experience and skills needed for the job they want.
  • Taking relevant classes or getting certifications to make oneself a more attractive candidate for the job is an optimal solution.
  • It can be helpful to take some steps to boost one’s confidence and prepare for the job application process. Some steps a person can take include researching the company and the job requirements, practising answering interview questions with a friend or family member.



— outline a problem that can arise with realising one’s dreams and suggest a way of solving it;


One common problem that arises when trying to achieve one’s dreams is the fear of failure. This fear can prevent individuals from taking risks and pursuing their aspirations.

Solution ideas

  • Breaking down the dream into smaller, achievable goals can help individuals overcome the fear of failure and gain confidence.
  • It can be helpful to seek advice or support from friends, family or professionals who have experience in the area of the dream.
Вариант 8


— outline a problem that can arise with wearing school uniform and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with wearing school uniform is feeling uncomfortable in school uniform.

Solution ideas

  • If the uniform is uncomfortable, talking to the school administration about possible adjustments or alternatives can be helpful.
  • The school administration could solve this problem by suggesting alternative options, such as a dress code.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with wearing school uniform is not being able to express oneself through one’s clothing choices.


  • A helpful solution is to accessorise the uniform with items that reflect one’s personal style, such as a scarf or a piece of jewellery.



— outline a problem that can arise with online shopping and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with online shopping is receiving damaged or incorrect products.


  • If someone receives damaged items through online shopping, they should contact the seller or the website they bought the item from as soon as possible. They should explain the problem and ask for a solution, such as a replacement or a refund.

Problem 2

Online shopping can be unsafe sometimes, which can pose a problem.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, it is important to only shop on websites that people know and trust.
  • A good solution is to always look for the padlock symbol and the «https» in the website address before entering any personal information or making a purchase.
  • People can protect themselves by using secure payment methods.
Вариант 9


— outline a problem that can arise with protecting animals and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with protecting animals is the lack of resources and funding.

Solution ideas

  • One solution is to get involved in local and national organisations that support animal protection, and donate money or time to these organisations.
  • A helpful solution is to spread awareness about animal protection issues and encourage others to get involved. This can be done through social media, local events, or by speaking with friends and family about the importance of animal protection.


Problem 2

One problem that can arise with protecting animals is people not understanding the importance of it.

Solution ideas

  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to raise public awareness about the benefits of protecting animals and the negative impact of not doing so. This can be done through school programmes, community events, and spreading information through social media.
  • Individuals can take small steps in their daily lives such as choosing to buy products from companies that have ethical animal treatment policies. This is how the problem could be tackled.



— outline a problem that can arise when people travel and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise when people travel is not knowing the local language.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to carry a translation app or a phrasebook to help communicate with local people.
  • A good solution is to use non-verbal communication if needed.

Problem 2

People may face the problem of getting lost.

Solution ideas

  • It will be helpful if people retrace their steps and look for familiar landmarks. It is one of the ways to solve the problem.
  • If people have a phone with them, a practical solution is to call for help or look for directions.
  • A good solution is to approach someone for assistance, such as a local resident or a tourist information centre.
Вариант 10


— outline a problem that can arise with volunteer work and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise with volunteer work is not having enough time to balance it with other responsibilities such as school or work.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to set clear and realistic goals for the amount of time and effort people want to put into volunteering.
  • A good solution is to look for volunteer opportunities that fit into one’s schedule and personal situations, such as online volunteering or short-term projects.



— outline a problem that can arise with spending money for teens and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with spending money for teenagers is that they may not have a good understanding of budgeting and saving, which can lead to financial difficulties.

Solution ideas

  • A good solution to this problem is to educate teenagers on the importance of budgeting and saving, and to provide them with the tools and resources they need to manage their money effectively.
  • One of the ways to solve this problem is that teenagers should set a budget for themselves and stick to it.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with spending money for teenagers is impulse buying. Teenagers may see something they want and buy it without thinking about whether they actually need it or can afford it.

Solution ideas

  • A good way to solve this problem is to create a budget and stick to it. Teenagers can make a list of what they need and what they want and prioritise their spending based on that.
  • A good solution to solve this problem is to wait a day or two before buying something to make sure it is not just a fleeting desire.
Вариант 1


-outline a problem that can arise with moving to a small town and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with moving to a small town is feeling isolated and lonely.

Solution ideas

  • An effective solution to solve the problem is to join a local gym, take fitness classes, or participate in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping to meet like-minded people.
  • Attending local events such as festivals, concerts, or fairs to meet new people can be a good way to solve the problem.
  • Joining local clubs or organisations, like sports teams or hobby groups, can be a helpful way to solve the problem by making new friends and building social connections.
  • An effective solution is to get involved in community events or volunteer for projects.
  • Building relationships with neighbours can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Connecting with people through social media and online forums related to your hobbies and interests could be a good way to deal with loneliness.
  • A good solution to overcome loneliness is to take part in recreational activities offered by the town, such as sports teams or arts classes.


Problem 2

The problem of limited job and activity opportunities can arise when moving to a small town.


  • To solve this problem, people can explore online jobs opportunities or volunteer work.



-outline a problem that can arise with selecting a film to watch and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is difficulty in deciding on a movie that you would enjoy.


  • A good way to solve this problem is to use a movie recommendation website or app that suggests films based on one’s personal preferences and viewing history.
Вариант 11


— outline a problem that can arise with doing extreme sports and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with doing extreme sports is the risk of injury since extreme sports often involve high speeds, heights, and physical exertion.

Solution ideas

  • If a person is injured while participating in extreme sports, a helpful solution is to seek immediate medical attention, for example, to call emergency services or go to the nearest hospital for treatment.
  • Wearing appropriate safety gear, including helmets, knee and elbow pads, and harnesses, can help solve the problem.
  • It may be helpful to participate in extreme sports with a trained professional or experienced partner.


Problem 2

High expenses for equipment and activities can be a problem.

Solution ideas

  • Seeking out deals and discounts can be an effective way to solve this problem.
  • Renting or borrowing equipment can be a viable solution to this problem.



— outline a problem that can arise with life in large cities for teens and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with life in large cities for teenagers is the potential for crime and violence. Large cities can be home to gangs, drug activity, and other criminal behaviour, which can put teenagers at risk of becoming victims or involved in criminal activity themselves.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve the problem is by carrying a personal safety alarm or a mobile phone with emergency contacts programmed. This can provide a quick and easy way for teenagers to call for help in case of an emergency or dangerous situation.
  • To solve the problem, teenagers could take precautions to ensure their safety, such as staying in well-lit areas, and avoiding unfamiliar or dangerous neighbourhoods.
  • Travelling in groups or with a trusted adult whenever possible is advisable for teenagers to solve the problem.
  • Having a personal alarm can be a helpful solution for teenagers concerned about their safety in large cities.
  • One solution to this problem is for teenagers to learn basic self-defense techniques and strategies.
  • To solve the problem, it is important for teenagers to avoid getting involved with gangs or drug activity.
  • A good solution is to seek immediate help and support from a trusted adult or authority figure if teenagers feel pressured or threatened.


Problem 2

One problem that teenagers can face in large cities is the lack of safe and accessible spaces for physical activity, which can lead to boredom, social isolation, and potential involvement in risky behaviours.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, city planners and community organisations can work together to create more public spaces that are specifically designed for teenagers, such as youth centres, skate parks, and community gardens. These spaces should be located in safe areas, easily accessible by public transportation, and free or affordable for all teenagers to use.
  • Organising youth-led events and programmes can help to foster a sense of community and provide positive outlets for teenage energy and creativity, which can help solve the problem.
Вариант 12


— outline a problem that can arise with celebrating New Year and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

Celebrating New Year often involves the use of disposable party supplies, such as balloons, confetti, and plastic cups, which can lead to waste and litter that can harm the environment and pose a danger to wildlife.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to promote the use of eco-friendly party supplies such as reusable plates, cups, and utensils made from sustainable materials.
  • Organising clean-up efforts to ensure that litter is properly disposed of after the celebration is an optimal solution to the problem.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with celebrating New Year is that it can be too expensive to celebrate the holiday.


  • One way to solve this problem is to celebrate the holiday in a more low-key and affordable way, such as having a small gathering with friends or family instead of going out to a fancy party.

Problem 3

One potential problem during New Year celebrations is the danger of accidents and injuries from fireworks or other activities.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, it is essential to follow safety guidelines when handling fireworks or participating in New Year’s activities.
  • One way of solving the problem is to provide adequate security and crowd control measures.



— outline a problem that can arise with learning a foreign language and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise when learning a foreign language is feeling discouraged or frustrated when struggling to understand or express oneself.

Solution ideas

  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to find a language exchange partner or a tutor who can provide guidance and support.
  • Listening to music, watching movies, and reading books in the target language can be a helpful way to improve language understanding.

Problem 2

Difficulty in remembering new vocabulary and grammar rules is a big problem that can arise with learning a foreign language.


  • One practical solution is to use memory aids such as flashcards or mnemonics. These tools can help learners to remember new vocabulary and grammar rules more easily and effectively.

Problem 3

Lack of practice opportunities to speak and listen to the language can be a big problem that can arise with learning a foreign language.

Solution ideas

  • One practical solution is to find language exchange partners.
  • Conversation classes can be an effective solution to the problem.
  • The use of language learning apps for speaking practice can solve the problem.

Problem 4

One problem that can arise with learning a foreign language is difficulty in understanding native speakers or authentic materials.


  • One way to solve the problem is to listen to native speakers and practise understanding them by watching movies, TV shows, and listening to music in the target language.

Problem 5

Difficulty in finding the time or resources to devote to language learning can be one of the problems that can arise with learning a foreign language.

Solution ideas

  • One effective solution to the problem is to break down the learning process into manageable chunks.
  • Setting specific goals can be helpful in solving the problem.
  • One effective way to solve the problem of finding the time or resources to devote to language learning is to schedule regular study sessions. This involves setting aside a specific time each day or week to focus on language learning and practising.

Problem 6

One common problem that can arise with learning a foreign language is feeling discouraged or demotivated due to slow progress.

Solution ideas

  • One way to deal with feeling discouraged or demotivated due to slow progress when learning a foreign language is to set realistic and achievable goals for oneself. It is important to remember that learning a new language takes time and practice, and progress may not always be linear.
  • A good way to overcome this problem is to find a study partner or join a language learning group, which can provide a supportive and encouraging environment.
  • An effective solution is to find different ways of learning, like watching movies, listening to music, reading books, etc. in the language you are studying, so you are constantly exposed to it.


Problem 7

Difficulty in finding a suitable teacher or language learning programme can be a common problem that can arise with learning a foreign language.

Solution ideas

  • One way to deal with the problem is to do research and compare different options. This could include looking at online reviews, asking for recommendations from other language learners, or trying out a few different options before committing to one.
  • Taking advantage of free resources such as language learning apps or websites can be a useful solution.
  • One way to solve this problem is to try out different teaching styles and find the one that suits you best. For example, if you are a visual learner, you may want to try a program that relies on videos and images to help you learn.
  • One way to solve the problem of finding a suitable language teacher is to take advantage of free trial lessons offered by teachers or language learning platforms. This allows you to test out the teaching style and see if you feel comfortable before committing to more classes.
Вариант 13


— outline a problem that can arise with choosing a future career and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

(With so many different options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which path will best suit your interests, skills, and goals.) One problem that can arise when choosing a future career is not knowing what career path to choose.

Solution ideas

  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to research different career options to get a better idea of what might be a good fit.
  • Speaking with people in different fields can be a useful way to find direction.
  • One potential solution is to take career assessments that can offer insights and guidance.

Problem 2

Feeling pressured by others to choose a specific career path can be a serious problem that can arise when making career decisions.

Solution ideas

  • When feeling pressured by others to choose a specific career path, it is important to remember that the decision should ultimately be based on personal interests and goals. This can help solve the problem.
  • Seeking advice from a career counsellor can be helpful in overcoming this problem.



— outline a problem that can arise with using new inventions and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can happen when using new inventions is that they may not be user-friendly, causing frustration and difficulty in operating them effectively.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to read the instructions or watch a tutorial on how to use the invention.
  • One solution to the problem is to seek help from someone who is more experienced with it.
Вариант 14


— outline a problem that can arise with studying at a university and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that students may face when studying at a university is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the workload and various responsibilities.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to create a schedule and to prioritise tasks, breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Seeking support from friends, family, or university resources such as academic advisors or tutoring services can be helpful in managing academic stress.


— outline a problem that can arise if people stop helping the environment and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise if people stop helping the environment is pollution, which can make the air and water harmful to both humans and animals.

Solution ideas

  • To address this problem, recycling as much as possible can help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or oceans.
  • Using reusable bags instead of single-use plastic bags is one effective way to combat pollution, as it can minimise the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the environment.
  • People can make small changes to their daily habits, such as turning off lights and unplugging electronics when they are not in use, which can help to reduce energy consumption and limit pollution.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise if people stop helping the environment is the destruction of natural habitats.

Solution ideas

  • One way to tackle this problem is by participating in environmental cleanup events in the community, which can help to restore natural habitats and reduce pollution.
  • One possible solution is to support eco-friendly businesses and products. It can contribute to the protection of the environment by reducing waste and supporting sustainable practices.
  • One effective solution is to increase education and awareness campaigns to inform people about the significance of taking care of the environment and to provide them with information on how they can make a positive difference.
Вариант 15


— outline a problem that can arise when travelling and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise is not being able to communicate with locals due to language barriers.


  • One of the ways to solve this problem is to use a translation app or dictionary.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise when travelling is the risk of losing important documents, such as passports or travel visas.

Solution ideas

  • If this happens, people should contact the authorities immediately and report the loss, especially if it is a passport, ID, or any other official document.
  • In the event that the lost documents contain personal information, like your social security number, it is advisable to take quick action to protect your identity.



— outline a problem that can arise with household chores and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with household chores is feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start.


  • One way to solve this problem is to make a list of all the tasks that need to be done, and then prioritise them by importance.

Problem 2

One common problem that can arise is not having enough time to complete all the tasks.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to divide the tasks among family members.
  • Hiring someone to help with the cleaning (a cleaning service) could be a helpful solution.
  • It can be helpful to set aside specific times each day or week to focus on completing household chores, rather than trying to do them all at once.
Вариант 1


-outline a problem that can arise with moving to a small town and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with moving to a small town is feeling isolated and lonely.

Solution ideas

  • An effective solution to solve the problem is to join a local gym, take fitness classes, or participate in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping to meet like-minded people.
  • Attending local events such as festivals, concerts, or fairs to meet new people can be a good way to solve the problem.
  • Joining local clubs or organisations, like sports teams or hobby groups, can be a helpful way to solve the problem by making new friends and building social connections.
  • An effective solution is to get involved in community events or volunteer for projects.
  • Building relationships with neighbours can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Connecting with people through social media and online forums related to your hobbies and interests could be a good way to deal with loneliness.
  • A good solution to overcome loneliness is to take part in recreational activities offered by the town, such as sports teams or arts classes.


Problem 2

The problem of limited job and activity opportunities can arise when moving to a small town.


  • To solve this problem, people can explore online jobs opportunities or volunteer work.



-outline a problem that can arise with selecting a film to watch and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is difficulty in deciding on a movie that you would enjoy.


  • A good way to solve this problem is to use a movie recommendation website or app that suggests films based on one’s personal preferences and viewing history.
Вариант 16


— outline a problem that can arise with living in the countryside and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

Difficulty in finding employment is one problem that can arise with living in the countryside.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is to explore remote work options that can be done from home.
  • A good solution is to start a business that can serve the local community.
  • Looking for employment opportunities in nearby towns or cities may be a viable solution.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with living in the countryside is limited access to healthcare facilities and medical professionals.


  • One solution is to explore telemedicine options, which allow people to have virtual consultations with healthcare professionals, reducing the need for travel to distant medical facilities.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise with living in the countryside is the difficulty in accessing education.

Solution ideas

  • One way to solve this problem is by exploring online learning options or enrolling in distance education programs that are flexible and accessible from anywhere.
  • Local authorities or communities can work together to establish educational facilities within the area, such as building schools or establishing partnerships with nearby universities or colleges. This is how the problem can be solved.
  • Providing transportation to schools in nearby towns or cities is a possible solution to the problem, allowing students to travel to and from school easily and safely.



— outline a problem that can arise with travelling in the home country and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with travelling in the home country is getting lost or not knowing how to get around.

Solution ideas

  • This problem can be solved by using a map or GPS.
  • Asking locals for directions is a helpful solution.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise with travelling in the home country is the lack of affordable accommodation options.

Solution ideas

  • One solution is to research and book accommodation in advance to find the best deals and avoid high prices.
  • A good solution is to consider alternative accommodation options such as camping, hostels, or home-sharing platforms.
  • One possible solution to the problem is to travel during the off-season or mid-week, which can help to reduce accommodation costs.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise with travelling in the home country is a lack of knowledge about the local culture and customs.


  • A great way to solve this problem is to consider hiring a local guide who can provide valuable insights and help navigate cultural differences. This can be particularly helpful when visiting remote or less-travelled areas where local customs may be less familiar to outsiders.
Вариант 17


— outline a problem that can arise with living in a city and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with living in a city is high noise levels, which can negatively impact one’s mental health and make it difficult to sleep.


  • An effective solution to this problem includes using noise-cancelling devices or earplugs.

Problem 2

One common problem that can arise with living in a city is high pollution levels, which can have negative effects on one’s physical health.

Solution ideas

  • One effective solution to this problem is to use air purifiers in your home or office.
  • Staying indoors on days when pollution levels are high can be one way of solving the problem.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise with living in a city is high cost of living, which can make it difficult for some people to afford necessities such as housing and food.

Solution ideas

  • One solution to the problem is to seek out more affordable areas of the city.
  • Finding ways to earn more money and budgeting more effectively can be an effective solution to the problem.

Problem 4

One problem that can arise with living in a city is feeling lonely and disconnected from others.

Solution ideas

  • Joining community groups or clubs is a good solution to this problem.
  • Volunteering for local events or charities is a way to meet new people and contribute to the community. This is how the problem can be solved.
  • Taking advantage of online platforms and social media to connect with others who share similar interests can be helpful in combatting loneliness in urban environments.



— outline a problem that can arise with celebrating traditional holidays and suggest a way of solving it;


One problem that can arise with celebrating traditional holidays is that people can create a significant amount of waste, which can harm the environment. For example, holiday decorations, gift wrap, and food waste can all contribute to environmental pollution.


  • To solve this problem, it is essential to promote sustainable practices during holiday celebrations. This can be achieved by encouraging people to use reusable gift bags or wrapping paper and purchase environmentally friendly decorations.
Вариант 18


— outline a problem that can arise during summer holidays and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise during summer holidays is poor weather. This can make it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities and can lead to disappointment.


  • One solution to this problem is to have a backup plan for indoor activities. This can include things like visiting a museum, watching a movie or playing games at home.

Problem 2

One common problem that can arise during summer holidays is the cost of activities and travel. This can be especially difficult for families on a budget.


  • One solution to this problem is to look for free or low-cost activities in the local area. This can include things like visiting local parks, going for a hike or finding free events in the community.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise during summer holidays is the risk of getting sunburned or dehydrated.

Solution ideas

  • If symptoms of sunburn and dehydration occur, immediate action is necessary to promote healing and prevent further complications. For example, moving to a cooler, shaded area or indoors to avoid further sun exposure is an effective solution.
  • If symptoms of sunburn and dehydration are severe, it is important that people seek medical attention. This is how the problem can be solved.


— outline a problem that can arise with communication with peers and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise with communication with peers is differences in communication styles or personalities that can lead to conflicts.


  • To solve this problem, peers should actively listen to each other, understand each other’s communication styles and preferences, and be willing to adapt and compromise.

Problem 2

Feeling left out of group conversations or activities when communicating with peers is one of the problems that can arise.


  • One solution could be to actively seek out opportunities to spend time with different groups of people or to express your interests to others.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise is lack of time to communicate with peers due to studies.

Solution ideas

  • A good solution could be to use social media to stay in touch.
  • One solution could be to find ways to combine socialising and study time.
Вариант 19


— outline a problem that can arise when people skip breakfast and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise when people skip breakfast is a range of negative consequences, including low energy levels or difficulty concentrating.


  • If time is a concern, people should prepare breakfast the night before or choose grab-and-go options such as breakfast bars or pre-made breakfast sandwiches. This is how the problem can be solved.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise when people skip breakfast is that they may experience feelings of low energy in the morning.


  • One way to solve this problem is to pack a healthy breakfast to take on-the-go, such as a yogurt or a fruit and nut bar.



— outline a problem that can arise with choosing a birthday present and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise when choosing a birthday present is not knowing the person’s interests or preferences.


  • One solution could be to ask the person’s friends or family for suggestions.

Problem 2

Not having enough money to buy a gift can be a big problem when special occasions come up.

Solution ideas

  • To solve this problem, people should consider making a homemade gift.
  • One helpful solution is to pool money with other friends or family members to buy something more expensive (or a higher-quality gift).

Problem 3

One problem that can arise is difficulty finding the perfect birthday gift in time.


  • A good solution solution to this problem is to give a gift card or certificate, which can be delivered electronically to save time and make it easier to give a gift at the last minute.
Вариант 20


— outline a problem that can arise with choosing a travelling destination and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One problem that can arise when choosing a travelling destination is not having enough information about the location.


  • This problem can be solved by researching the destination thoroughly or reading reviews from other travellers.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise is not being able to afford the destination.

Solution ideas

  • This problem can be solved by looking for affordable accommodation and transportation options.
  • Looking for alternative travel options such as camping, road trips or visiting nearby locations that are more budget-friendly is a helpful solution.
  • Choosing to travel during off-peak seasons can lead to lower prices for accommodation options and activities. This is how the problem can be solved.


— outline a problem that can arise with taking up a leisure activity and suggest a way of solving it;

Problem 1

One common problem that can arise when taking up a leisure activity is not having enough time due to busy schedules or other commitments.


  • One solution to this problem is to prioritise and schedule time specifically for the leisure activity. This can be done by setting aside specific times in your calendar or making it a regular part of your routine.

Problem 2

One problem that can arise when taking up a leisure activity is not having enough money.

Solution ideas

  • One possible solution to this problem could be to search for free or low-cost options for the leisure activity, such as taking advantage of community programmes or events, finding discounts or deals, or choosing a more budget-friendly option.
  • One could consider saving money specifically for the activity by setting aside a certain amount of money each month or cutting back on expenses in other areas. This is how the problem can be solved.

Problem 3

One problem that can arise when taking up a leisure activity is not having the right equipment or resources.


  • To solve this problem, it is advisable to research and find places where the equipment or resources can be borrowed or rented.